Ultra Aluminum™: Explore Pool Fence Options

Keep Your Kids Safe with BOCA-Compliant Ultra Aluminum Fencing!

When it comes to pool safety, Ultra Aluminum fencing goes the extra mile to ensure your family’s peace of mind. Several residential picket fence styles are specifically designed to meet the stringent BOCA swimming pool safety codes, providing a beautiful and secure barrier around your pool area.

Here’s what makes Ultra Aluminum fencing the perfect choice for pool safety:

  • BOCA Code Compliance: These fences stand at least 48 inches (4ft) tall, with no more than 45 inches between any two horizontal rails. Additionally, the spacing between pickets is less than 4 inches, and the gap between the bottom rail and the ground is also less than 4 inches.

  • Self-Closing and Latching Gates: All Ultra Aluminum pool fence gates are self-closing, self-latching, and open outward away from the pool area. The latch release mechanism is also at least 54 inches above the ground, keeping it out of reach of small children.

  • Flush or Modified Bottom Rail: Choose between flush and modified bottom rail options. Flush styles completely enclose the bottom of the pickets for a clean look, while modified styles have the bottom rail lowered to meet code requirements, leaving the bottom of the pickets exposed.

Remember: Local codes may vary, so it’s crucial to check your local regulations before ordering and installing any pool fencing. 

With its commitment to safety and style, Ultra Aluminum fencing is the perfect choice for families who want to relax and enjoy their pool area with confidence.

Aluminum Pool Fence Options

UAB 200 Flat Top Flush

UAB 200 Flat Top Flush

UAF 200 Flush

UAF 200 Flat Top Flush

UAF 250 Flat Top with Spear Flush

UAF 250 Flat Top with Spear Flush

Frequently Asked Questions About Pool Fencing

Here you can find the answers to questions that are commonly asked regarding pool fencing.

Why should I choose an aluminum pool fence?

Aluminum pool fences are durable, low-maintenance, and resistant to rust and corrosion. Each section is lightweight and easy to install.  They also provide a stylish and modern look for your pool area.

What maintenance is required for aluminum pool fences?

Aluminum fences are low-maintenance. Regular cleaning with mild soap and water is usually sufficient to keep them looking new. Periodic inspections for loose screws or bolts are also recommended.

Do Ultra Aluminum™ pool fences come with a warranty?

Yes! Ultra Aluminum™ offers a Limited Lifetime Warranty on all aluminum fences. This warranty covers all defects in manufacturing, workmanship, and materials. The powder coat finish also carries a Limited Lifetime Warranty against cracking, peeling or chipping.