The proper installation of each fence post is the key to increasing the strength and longevity of your fence. If you’ve decided to install your own fence, this fence post installation guide will help you complete the task.

**Please note that this is a guide and may not cover every possible situation.

Aluminum Fence Post Installation Guide

Before installing an aluminum fence, be sure to obtain any required building permits and, if necessary, permission from an HOA.

Here’s a list of the tools you should have on hand before you being your fence installation.

  • Safety Glasses
  • String Line
  • Tape Measure
  • Power Drill
  • ⅛’’ Drill Bit
  • Vice Grip Wrench
  • Circular Saw
  • Fine Tooth Blade
  • Rubber Mallet
  • Level
  • Post Hole Digger or Auger
  • Shovel

Before digging, ensure that you are aware of all installed utility lines so you don’t hit them.

Step 1: Measure and Mark The Fence Layout.

Using batterboards (two stakes and a cross board) and stakes, lay out the outline of your fence.
Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of this process:

  1. Place a batterboard at the corner of your house or other hardscape feature where the fence will start.
  2. Tie a string to the batterboard to mark the line where the edges of the posts will be set. Be sure to account for where the pickets and rails will line up with the edge of the structure.
  3. Measure each run of the fence. Place two battenboards at the corners of the fence outline.
  4. If fence panels are being installed between the posts, run the string along the outside of the post edge. If pickets or panels are being attached on the outside of the fence posts, run the string to the inside of the post edge.

Review the fence layout and adjust as needed.

Step 2: Drive Stakes Where The Posts Will Be Set

Make sure that the stakes are placed against the string.

Step 3: Dig The Post Holes

Using a post hole digger or an auger, dig the post holes. It would be best if you made the diameter three times the width of the post. In most instances, the hole should be 30’’ deep, to ensure that the post falls below the frost line.

Step 4: Place Post Caps, Align, and Set Posts

Caps should always be placed on the fence posts prior to installation.

It’s important to ensure proper post depth. To accomplish this, align the bottom edge of the first routed post hole with the string line. Then, place the post. Recheck the height of the post and use a level to make adjustments.

Pour concrete around the base of the post. Recheck all measurements and adjust as needed. Fill the space until 2’’ remain from the top of the hole. Check one more time for the correct level and height.

Always allow the concrete to fully cure prior to inserting panels, pickets, or fence rails.

Call Our Experienced Team With All Of Your Aluminum Fence Questions

If you have questions about any of our residential aluminum fence products, how many fence sections to order, or fence installation, call our team at (610) 466-5482 or email